Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Week of School

Welcome to Mrs. McGuire's Homeroom and the new school year. We have an amazing class of eager learners, who worked very hard this week to demonstrate that they are concerned citizens, caring teammates, considerate friends, and developing leaders.
Concerned Citizens help make our school a better place by re-establishing the 6th grade paper recycling program at SAA. For the last four years we have made a positive difference at the school by reducing the amount of waste in our school's trash, in our community by making sure the massive amounts of paper we use are recycled, and in our students as they learn the rewards of "being of service to others."
Caring Teammates and Considerate Friends help new students feel at home in our school, follow school and class rules, and give their best efforts in every task. New friendships are forming and students are beginning to learn the benefits and challenges of teamwork. We spent part of two days working through a scooter challenge outside. Ask your student to tell you about it.

Developing Leaders are organized, caring, and responsible. This week we began the process of using planners and organizing binders, helped each other learn to open lockers, and learned how to gently and politely remind others to follow rules. You can help support this organization process by asking your student to show you his/her planner and homework folder every night. Thank you.

You have some fabulous children and I am enjoying getting to know them better each day.